Thursday, August 5, 2010

Training fundamentals

There are many ways you can get more out of your training plan. Here are some quick tips to maximize your training.

1. Have a plan- Your fitness level is limited by just doing your own thing. If you want to take it to the next level, you need to have a plan and follow it. Scoring that first win comes with time and practice. So create a plan, or hire a coach and take it to the next level.

2. Listen to your body- You can have a plan and follow a plan but sometimes you just need to listen to your body. It’s important to rest if you are tired. Listening to your body is the best thing you can do for yourself. If you have a coach telling you what to do, be sure to tell him or her what you are feeling, otherwise you may keep pushing yourself when your body doesn’t want to be pushed. Be ready to scrap your training plan if need be.

3. Ride at the limits- Challenge your body every week. Go out and do a hard ride with a structured workout. But be sure to follow it up with rest. Rest is what really makes legs strong.

4. Be in tune with yourself- While camaraderie is important in making rides more fun, make sure you keep your training goals in mind before you empty yourself on the next king of the mountain contest or town line sprint. If you can’t go easy when you’re supposed to go easy, then ride by yourself. If you want to race for the king of the mountains and town like sprints on your group ride, try to structure that into your training plan.

5. Do what you don’t like- If you hate climbing, then go out and climb. It will only make you better.

6. Set improvement goals- Week in and week out you are logging the miles, doing the intervals and other specific workouts. Make sure you are setting goals, weekly, monthly, yearly. If you set goals you are more likely to achieve your optimal fitness.

7. Maintain the body- Cycling is more than just pedaling with your legs. It your core, your upper body and back. Be sure to be doing some workouts that address strengthening these areas. It will help you become a better all around rider.

8. Train your mind- Sometimes you can do more than you think you can. Try training your brain to allow yourself to do things you wouldn’t normally do. Think positively and use visualization.

9. Eat- This is explained in the earlier blog post. Make sure to eat while you are riding. This will supply you with the right energy while riding. Also keep hydrated with water and sports drinks.

10. Have fun- Remember that you are riding a bicycle. Every kid loves going fast, bring back that joy and just have fun with it. Even your clothing can reflect your fun side. VOmax just introduced a line of MLB, NHL, and NBA cycling apparel. My group had one guy in a Red Sox jersey and another in a Yankees. The motorists loved it!

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