Thursday, July 29, 2010

The making of a Red Sox Jersey

One of the really cool things about working here at VOmax is that we make our stuff right down the hallway from my desk. This morning I went into the production room to see what they were making and saw that we were making a fresh batch of Red Sox and Bruins cyling jerseys.

So i took a few pictures. Everything, from start to finish is created down the hall. It all starts with the cutting of the fabric and printing the artwork onto the fabric.

That's the finished product after cutting the fabric and printing the image onto the jersey. We then take all the cut fabric and transfer them to the sewing room.

The sewing room is where it actually starts looking like a jersey. The collar gets sewn, all the panels come together nicely and we almost have a finished product.

Some of the coolest things we make are our licensed apparel. You can ride proudly with your favorite team represented on your back. Check out all the teams at

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